As the world becomes a global village, nationalities do more business with one another, best sharing practices evolve to new heights. The big question then is- Should one use the services of an offshore development center?
Before we compare the pros and cons- the advantages and disadvantages of using an offshore development centre in comparison to what internal resources can do for ‘start-ups’, let’s define them both.
What is an offshore development centre?
Sounds quite exotic to have a team elsewhere doing your work- but this would be no ‘ordinary team’. In fact, this would be a team of very highly talented and skilled professionals- web developers, programmers and the administrative staff- working for your ventures needs, round the clock. Companies use their services extensively and the offshore teams work as per the client’s needs- no questions asked. The concept of using offshore teams is on a rise in the recent past. There are various factors which make companies consider the services of these offshore partners.
With an offshore development centre at work; companies now would have the following:
- Round the clock administrative support
- The right talent and skills to work with
- High-resilience and R&D support
- Assured high-standards of testing and quality analysis
- State-of-the-art technologies used
- Round the clock communication and collaboration with the ‘mother-company’
- Round the clock studies and consultation for the ‘mother-company’, and
- Data research, analysis and modelling assured.
With that being said and defined on how an off-shore development centre works; let us now take a look at the benefits for a better understanding.
While most start-ups usually begin on a tight purse string, the main aim is to keep costs low and productivity high. Take a look at what the offshore development centre can bring to you over time.
More Productivity
Imagine the amount of time, money, effort and dedication one would need to train internal resources? Now take those factors into your hands and let the internal resources go elsewhere to spend that same amount to bring in more business- at the end of the day, your venture would have more productivity coming to the table. You would now have time to restructure the in-house needs, and wouldn’t have to spend a bomb to learn more about tried and tested models of operation too. The offshore development teams would intuitively work on your demands, and bring to you the best results; seamlessly and with utmost dedication.
Operational Costs are Low
With the advancement of technology in the IT/ITES worlds, costs are spiralling and hitting the skies. Micro-managing it becomes impossible as a task; business operations thus are affected. Relocating staff to manage roles across the globe would be costly; this is where the offshore development team come in. The team would be highly productive, and your work would be done in no time. The best part is- no infrastructural investments to make- which means very low operational costs to deal with. The offshore team has their own office space, licensed software, hardware and have their own training departments to work with- bringing down costs for you.
Offshore Talent
When you are aware of the potential of your followers- you can obtain the most out of them. At the offshore development centre- talent is unlimited and the team would always be open to feedback and learning. Aspirations in the developing worlds are high- employees working with the offshore teams are willing to learn and work hard.
Newer Markets to Explore
Most companies play their cards smarts; in lieu of sending their vital business functions to another team across seven seas, this would be an opportunity for the company to explore a completely new market, its demographics and environment. Such an opportunity allows space for learning and growth; of understanding the new zone and its needs, the labor market and how best to tap talent for cheap as well.
Risks Involved
With so many benefits served hot; there are risks as well to deal with. One cannot ignore the risk factors as such, but learning about them can help prevent them from creating obstacles.
Cultural differences
Communication is the main issues when cultural differences are spoken off. It is tough for people belonging from two different cultures to communicate and come to a conclusion, on the same platform- which can be annoying.
High attrition rate
Employees these days at the drop of a hat switch jobs, and there are many reasons why all of it happens. Some look for better opportunities and want more challenges to face, whilst others are over-burdened. And then there are those who complain of working mindlessly without growth opportunities coming their way, for years on end.
Cost saving
Quality-wise, projects take a beating when companies (offshore centres) decide to play miser. If they only focus on saving more and making their staff work on the double- the skills and talents of an individual wouldn’t be honoured and respected. When the mind is not at east at work, the project takes a beating. Some companies use outdated software, refusing to upgrade, or hire employees below average in skill sets!
The floor is yours
Staring out fresh and new- the team would have a lot of expectations, dreams, aspirations and ambitions. However, sometimes this would be an impediment to think off, because of the lack of experience and high capital to invest. If you plan to solely work with the in-house team and save money- there should be enough experienced hands working for your needs. As a start-up, offshore development centres are ideal to have- they are a winning solution for most.
It would be wise to do your homework, and follow the ‘one-size-doesn’t- fit- all’ theory here. This means, checking for the needs and aspirations of the in-house team and the aims and ambitions of the start-up venture.
Operations need to be smoothened out over time, and break-even happens at a later stage. Understand how start-ups function and work with the help of off-shoring; maybe you really do not need it or you do; only your research with due-diligence can tell. Speak to experts, read experts views and learn from case studies of companies that made it through the storm and those that didn’t- history teaches a lot!
Consult our experts today to reap the benefits of setting up an Offshore Development Center. Contact us now!!
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