Twitter, the social media giant has recently improved its messaging services by adding the capability to send photos. The move is an update in the Twitter app for iOS and Android mobile platforms launched on Tuesday. The service can be now viewed by users in a navigation space block available at the lower end of the home page. It is simple and very near to all Twitter users. Earlier, users needed to move to the “Me” area and via there to access the messaging services.

The social networking leader has also put up the capabilities to share and see photos in direct messages. These images are also at access to view in data on the desktop at

Communication, group interaction and individual messaging in mobile devices and platforms is very much preferred these days. Facebook also moved forward with its Messenger update recently. Rest hot services including WhatsApp, WeChat or SnapChat are also putting efforts in appealing users.

The betterment in Twitter is expected to make it spread comprehensively for messaging and lower the time that users spend on other apps.

Some additional abilities are also added to various platforms. In the iOS app, in-app notifications now inform people during the arrival of a direct tweet while on Android users are required to switch on the notifications for selected users.