Top 10 Ways – AI is Helping Marketing
Marketing is an integral part of selling stuff and people involved in this keep on finding new tools, techniques, ideas and concepts to captivate people’s attention and to propagate their stuff in a better way. Artificial Intelligence is one such data-driven marketing strategy that has entirely changed the digital marketing world. It has completely revolutionized the marketing by providing a highly personalized experience to consumers, and by saving time, energy and money of marketers.
Following are the ways through which AI is helping traditional digital marketing.
1. Personalized Website Experience
Though AI is not able to craft websites from scratch but it surely is capable of maintaining deep profiles of the websites’ visitors. The profiles are maintained by using a wide array of data points (demographics, device, OS, location, browsing history, interaction with the website) and in light of these profiles, a personalized website experience is provided to the users and best-fitting content and offers are displayed to them.
Moreover, the intelligent algorithm by making use of behavioral personalization, offer push notifications that are user specific and notify the right message at the right time.
Surveys suggest that brands witness 61% improved customer experience with AI-powered website personalization; several consumer brands and publishers are making use of AI-powered approach to outshine their competitors and they surely are winning in this.
Apart from enhancing the user experience, AI also helps companies identify sudden unexpected traffic or halt of data to their site.
2. Generating and Curating Content
Common use of machine intelligence is to create business reports, stock insights, profit and loss summaries, provide descriptions and write recaps for sports. But now Artificial Intelligence can also generate and curate quality content apart from reports and business summaries.
AI tools are used to personalize messages and to automatically generate, evaluate and manage email content. Not only this, AI-powered tools like Rocco offer fresh and engaging social media content to engage customers with the brand. Special care is taken to design the AI-generated narrative and is made as if written by a human. Writing style, format, and data insight of the narrative are set according to the preferences and style of the brand so that it will serve their customers best.
3. Deeper Understanding of Customers
AI solutions give insight about the thinking, feeling, and mood of customers towards the brand and the brand thus use the information in real time to modify the branding and messaging to enhance the effectiveness of its marketing campaign.
4. Chatbots
AI-powered chatbots are all over the place and have enhanced the customer service by providing 24/7 service and by answering the critical queries of the customers. Chatbots are so much common and efficient that people don’t even understand that the customer representative of the brand they are chatting with is not a human but actually a bot.
Chatbots provide impressive customer support in all fields of life, from retail brands, insurance companies to fashion and health they aid all by offering the best personalized content. Chatbots make use of customer-specific data points, analyze the location-specific requests and spot repetitive problems; through these stats, the chatbots try to identify the search pattern and the problem a particular user is facing and respond more appropriately (sometimes better than human customer service representative). Apart from customer service interactions, chatbot agents can be used as advisors for the website visitors.
5. AI-Powered Churn Prediction
AI-powered tools like Vidora provides churn prediction to the companies and help them identify the disinterested or disengaged customers that are about to leave their company for another similar brand and update them about the stage of churning they are in. Not only AI will identify disengaged customers but it will also guide the business about how to retain them.
Machine-learning algorithms that have data points of the customers build a predictive model on basis of it and through this information points towards the stage of churning a customer is in. Late-churn customers, who have been in a long-term relationship with the brand, are easy to retain and can be re-engaged with the brand by giving them relevant offers, sending notifications and re-engaging emails. Whereas it’s quite difficult to re-engage quick-churn customers with the brand, these are the one who abandons the brand after single use/service.
6. Lead Generation
Major goal of marketing is to get quality leads for the website and AI is one next step towards devising strategies that will help websites with the lead generation goal. AI-powered tools like Node are ideal for lead generation as they are capable of processing large volumes of data and identify valuable leads for the business. Furthermore, AI systems are capable of identifying and categorizing potential new customers; they also give suggestions to salespeople and marketers about the engaging strategy that they should employ to effectively close the deal.
7. Data-driven Forecasting
Data-driven forecasting is a vital element of marketing for any business because one wrong analysis can prove to be devastating for the company. But analyzing data is quite complex because of its large volumes that are coming from different sources, but AI is capable of handling such large volumes of data and driving reasons and patterns among data. This helps marketers by giving them an extraordinary ability to make predictions and take decisions based on the patterns provided by AI. Unlike conventional analytics tools, AI makes proper market forecasting based on the numbers, facts, data, and history and helps a lot in propelling the business to the next level. AI enhances overall effectiveness by reducing error and by cutting down human effort in the data-driven forecasting.
8. Advertising
Artificial Intelligence is the key feature of digital advertising and marketers give a significant boost to their PPC campaigns and marketing by taking a little help from machine intelligence. A single sale/purchase of keyword ad space on Google Ad-Words is impossible without AI. Programmatic advertising process, where ad inventories are bought and sold automatically, is made possible only with the help of Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Another way through which AI helps a lot in advertising is by providing recommendations to the users about the products and services they seem to be interested in. Artificial intelligence learns about the customer’s preferences, likes or dislikes through their browsing history, order history, and clicks on the products and thus recommend similar products to them.
9. Automated Image-recognition
AI-powered image recognition tools are lately been used by brands like Facebook, Pinterest, Amazon and other. They have been using the tools to identify products and users from videos and images. In the UK almost 60% fashion retailers use facial recognition software in their stores; they deploy it to trace their customer’s visits to their stores and with help of the videos, directly connect with them on their social profiles. Brands can send welcome messages, real-time offers and push notifications to their customers by making use of this software. This enhances the personalization experience for the customers, as the brands will be able to send them relevant offers, notifications, and messages according to their shopping style.
10. Automate Marketing
Marketing automation has become so much easier just because of Artificial Intelligence. Automation tools have made boring and repetitive tasks like sending cold emails and welcome messages easier. This has saved a lot of time and effort of the individuals involved in the marketing and has made the task less bothersome for them. But these automation tools don’t mean that they’ll all be very machine-like with robotic responses, in fact, tools like Boomtrain have taken AI to next level and they customize and send emails to the customers in light of the company’s previous interaction with that customer to give a personal and humane touch to the marketing email.
Artificial Intelligence surely is reshaping the marketing world and has eased the job of marketers by providing near-to-precise data analysis based on customer’s interaction and their browsing. Businesses with help of AI are improving the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and are providing personalized customer services to their clients.
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People Ops & Marketing Strategist: Leader with 15+ years of experience in Organizational Capability Building and Marketing Success.
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