Do you know about.NET?
Developers, for a long time, have been looking for a framework that can help them easily create an application. .NET (also known as .NET) serves that purpose. It is a framework, developed by Microsoft, which can be used to support the development as well as running / maintenance of modern day apps and XML web services. The framework strives to offer a highly consistent object oriented programming environment. It can be used to create apps that run on multiple platforms. In short, these are desktop, mobile, as well as web apps that run on Windows based devices, PCs, and servers. An interesting aspect of this framework is that it supports the creation of cross platform server apps that can smoothly run across server platforms as Linux, Windows, and even MAC. This framework can be used to design, develop, compile, build, and deploy an application with its broad range of support programs, code libraries, compilers, and APIs. These varied components assist in the development of a customized project/solution.
.NET has been used by a large number of developers for the creation of apps and services on multiple devices and OS. One aspect of .NET that stands out is the range of features that it offers. In addition to that, programmers get access to a code execution environment to minimize conflicts during the deployment and versioning of the software. Another important characteristic that needs to be spoken about here is its consistent developer experience while building a range of different apps.
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What is .NET used for?
Now we know that .NET is feature rich and it can be used for a wide variety of next generation apps. Let’s now try to be more specific and delve into the range of apps that can be built with the use of this framework.
Business Functions
Those days are gone when businesses were conducted without the presence of a software tool in the background. Businesses, today, make constructive use of applications and software to streamline their business processes. Be it supply chain management, sales, or finance; business software can work wonders. .NET is regularly and extensively used in the creation of such software like CRM, supply management app, and more.
An organization doesn’t remain static. Your needs can alter with them, and your software needs to scale with it. .NET has been found to be a great platform for re-designing current applications in order to make it line up with the growing needs of an organization.
Interoperable Apps
If one aspires to have an interoperable app that seamlessly brings together user experience across multiple platforms, .NET can again play a pivotal role. With the range of features on offer, .NET can help programmers create apps that work in sync across platforms.
.NET is extremely versatile, and that makes it suitable for the development of gaming applications. Its versatility can also help in the creation of web and enterprise-graded applications.
Businesses need emails and chat platforms for seamless communication between employees. .NET is one of the most popular platforms used for emails & chat. It can integrate with your Outlook for a more holistic experience. Moreover, there are various other techniques that make your communication more fool proof.
Multi-Tiered Software Architecture
.NET makes use of multi-tiered software architecture. It is known as multi-tiered because it physically separates functions for presentation, app processing, and data management. It helps developers build flexible applications. Moreover, developers can also add or edit a layer without being required to rework on the entire app.
Cross Platform
Most expert developers consider .NET to be a modular and swift platform that can be used to create server apps that run equally well across Linux, Windows, and MAC.
Mobile Apps
It lets you create apps that work smoothly across computer, mobile, and other devices.
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Advantages of .NET Development
Here are some of the compelling advantages of .NET Development:
Object Oriented
Everything that you see in the .NET framework is an object. It is the same for what you write within the framework. This means that you get a powerful tool to not just access but also control your apps. This also makes it simpler for you to respond to recurring events.
The caching system that .NET includes is extremely robust and easy-to-use.
Easy Maintenance
Pages, with .NET, are extremely simple to write and maintain. This is because the source code and HTML are both together. In addition to that, the source code executes on the server. What does this mean? This makes your web pages more powerful and flexible.
Time is money, and .NET helps you save a lot of that. The way it is developed, .NET removes a large part of the coding requirement. This means that the developers save time, and the app’s time-to-market can be shortened considerably.
Performing common tasks with .NET is extremely simple and straight forward. Submission of forms is a breeze and so is site configuration, deployment, and client authentication.
There are a range of features that can be explored by the developers in order to create powerful apps. Consider the case of its rich toolbox as also the designer in the visual studio. They let you access such features as automatic deployment, WYSIWYG editing, and drag-and-drop controls.
The management and monitoring of all the processes is performed by the framework. If one of the processes is dead, a new process can be created just as easily. This lets your app be consistently available for handling requests.
Finally, .NET also stands for its automatic monitoring. It will promptly notice any problems like infinite loops, memory leaks, etc. Not just this, it will also destroy these activities automatically and restart itself.
In conclusion, there are tons of advantages that .NET offers. These features make it popular among clients as well as programmers.
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Disadvantages of .NET Development
Along with advantages, you will always come across disadvantages of any platform. That’s the case with .NET too.
Here’s a compilation of some of the drawbacks of using .NET Development:
Limited Object Relational (OR) support
It is found to be limited at times, because such support is generally available with entity framework only.
Slower than Native Code
Managed code that you run with .NET can be slower than native code.
Vendor lock-in
The framework involves Vendor lock-in. This can mean that future development will be only dependent on Microsoft.
In some cases, migration of apps to .NET can turn out to be expensive.
However, these are all just minor draw-backs when compared to the large range of advantages offered by the framework.
Reasons to learn .NET Development
Now, the next question that we need to address is if .NET is a good framework to learn for new programmers. Going by the range of advantages it offers, it certainly is one of the top choice of clients and new programmers alike.
Here are few more reasons to give flight to the career:
Resources Available
There are a broad range of resources available that can help you get started really fast. That means that new programmers don’t have to hunt for ways of learning the framework; there are numerous resources available and you can make a choice.
Large Community
Another key feature of .NET is the large community that is available. A fairly large number of small, medium, and large companies make use of .NET for some or the other activity within the corporation. This community can come to your rescue if you run into an obstruction.
Visual Studio
Visual studio acts as a solid IDE. It is one of the best environments around for server-side debugging. That is a huge reason why some of the new programmers decide to consider .NET over some of the other frameworks.
Desktop Apps
While most new programmers are focusing just on mobile apps, desktop applications continue to thrive. So many organizations need software development for Windows desktop, and .NET comes second to none in this category.
Multiple Server Platforms
Are you finding it difficult to choose between the server platforms that you want to focus on? That’s when .NET gives you the breathing space. You can develop applications for Windows, Linux, and MAC.
Job Opportunity
Finally, there is a broad range of job opportunities available for .NET developers. The framework has attained popularity, and the industry continuously needs new developers to take over critical tasks. This infers that learning this language can open up avenues to a bright career.
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Now, we just mentioned that .NET presents career opportunities to new as well as experienced developers. The proof to that is that some of the top companies are currently hiring in this sector. Do you need an example? Here’s one – WeblineIndia, one of the most renowned software companies in India, is currently hiring .NET developers. The company is based in Ahmedabad, and works for a range of domestic and international clients. Joining their team can be your first step to a glorious future.
In short, .NET is becoming increasingly popular in the recent times for the development of cross platform applications that are powerful and flexible. The framework is robust and feature-rich. This means that clients can get user-friendly applications in a reasonably short period of time. On the other hand, new programmers can find great career opportunities by pursuing this framework.
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