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If you are a PHP or .NET developer, this piece of content aspires to inform you about the top Linkedin communities that you can participate in.

Hiring website designer isn’t easy, but you need to do it. Here are 7 questions that you should ask to find the best web designer for you. Read to know more.

Our clients find it helpful to see the process of website development we follow. So here are the steps we follow when doing website development. See full post.

With this small gadget people can pay bills online, make purchases, interact with others via social media, watch movies, research on web etc.

Staying on top of ecommerce marketing trends is vital to keeping your business competitive. Here are the changes that are expected in e-commerce marketing.

Responsive web design frameworks have become the talk of the town. Here are top frameworks, which have managed to reach the zenith of the list of top frameworks.

Are you looking for the best Magento Development Company? Here we have covered points that you need to keep in mind to choose the right company for you.

In the next five years, mobile commerce will immensely dominate the market than what it is today. It is forecasted that the use of desktop PC will drop continuously even though PC makers incorporate exclusive functionalities.

The developers looked into interfaces used by apps to communicate with other applications over their shoulders each time whenever they used an API. Read more.

Microsoft has played a flabbergasting role in shaping and incrementing the Internet user experience. It has an old hand in bringing unbeatable development in products, games and software.

There are various tasks that need to be seamlessly performed in order to attract more success. Some store owners make the mistake of completely disengaging themselves from the development and marketing process.

Last year was pretty good about design trends but it’s time for new trends. Here are certain concepts that are expected to emerge in the year 2014. Read post now.