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In the next five years, mobile commerce will immensely dominate the market than what it is today. It is forecasted that the use of desktop PC will drop continuously even though PC makers incorporate exclusive functionalities.

The developers looked into interfaces used by apps to communicate with other applications over their shoulders each time whenever they used an API. Read more.

Explore the latest Microsoft service updates and understand their significant impact on users and industries. Learn how these changes can benefit your operations.

There are various tasks that need to be seamlessly performed in order to attract more success. Some store owners make the mistake of completely disengaging themselves from the development and marketing process.

Discover the latest design trends set to dominate the market. From sustainable materials to innovative digital interfaces, this article explores the key styles and technologies shaping the future of design. Stay ahead of the curve and transform your creative strategies with insights that promise to capture consumer attention and redefine industry standards.

Ecommerce Solutions have become an integral part of the existence of various stores. Store owners are realizing that their existence on the web can add significant value to their business.

Outsourcing is gradually becoming an integral part of global companies. Read this blog to know IT outsourcing trends that might manifest in Outsourcing in 2014.

Samsung Galaxy S5 has recently been found that the phone’s fingerprint scanner is susceptible to spoofing hack. Read this blog to know full information.

Competition on the web has been brimming. Here are some reasons why clients choose WeblineIndia for ASP.NET Development services over its competitors.

Let us get to know a little more about mobile applications. These are mediums through which people can perform various functions.

Mobile applications have been a part of the revolution, and their presence on the cloud is of significant help to the developers.

The ‘Heart Bleed’ OpenSSL bug has created many security concerns. People are unsure of whether their accounts have been compromised or not. Know more here.