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Get a first peek into the World of Technology through the lens of WeblineIndia. Our blog provides you with the latest updates on what is happening on the tech-front and within WeblineIndia. We also give you an access to some insightful articles on a variety of relevant topics.

The MVC framework or a development model uses the Model-View-Controller design to build web applications. The application core is signified by the Model, the view carries out the function of displaying data and the input to the database is controlled by the controller.

With continuous developments and upgrades, Oracle has launched Java 8 – the most awaited release with the new development kit for it. See all features here.

Discover the PHP Laravel Framework, a free, open-source tool for web developers. This post covers its features, benefits, and why it’s a top choice for creating robust web applications. Dive in to learn everything you need to know about this powerful framework.

PrestaShop serves as a perfect solution in the eCommerce industry that provides a huge list of features and benefits to both customers and merchants, free of cost.

Mobile devices with active internet package are a new trend today. Rather than saying a mobile device, smart phone will be the right word to use. Every seven out of ten individuals now own a smart phone just because of ease to access internet packs.

Launch of Windows 8 by Microsoft was an evolution that brought major changes in its platform and user interface. It aimed to give the users an enriched experience over tablets in competition with Android and iOS operating system.

Ecommerce website development has gained immense preeminence with advancement in the internet. Read our blog to know eCommerce web development success factors.

Outsourcing PHP Development is one of the best ways to save cost. See our attractive infographic to learn how it can be useful for businesses.

Every business need mobile app today. If you don’t think so. In this post, we have described why it is important for businesses to have a mobile app.

Choosing the right outsourcing company is a strategic exercise that needs to be executed meticulously. Check out this blog to know 5 important steps for the same.

The world of Ecommerce has experienced a sudden surge of competition. If you are in the industry, you would know that there are many players who are vying for the same customers.

The mobile app business is the most rapidly growing business today. In this blog, we have discussed tips that mobile app development business should follow.